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The Tipster

TipsterDid you ever hear, "You didn't empty my container today!" or "Your driver missed me again!" If you have, you're not alone. These problem accounts are a fact of life in the waste industry. But now you can do something about them.

Introducing THE TIPSTER. With The Tipster you will be able to verify your pickup service to your customers. You can show your customer the DATE and TIME that their container was emptied. No more guessing who is right -- your customer or your driver. Its rugged design will withstand the constant pounding associated with pick-up.


  • Verify Customer Service

  • Pinpoint "Problem" Accounts

  • Improve Customer Satisfaction

  • Increase Sales

  • Improve Productivity

Tipster and ReaderTry The Tipster for 30 days and see the results for yourself. If you are not satisfied, simply return your order and you owe nothing.

To place your order or for more details on The Tipster, call Abbott Enterprises, Inc.1-800-643-5973.


Abbott Enterprises, Inc.
901 West Fourth Avenue
P.O. Box 9026
Pine Bluff, AR 71601

Toll Free: 1-800-643-5973
Phone: (870) 535-4973
Fax: (870) 535-4970
Copyright © 2006 Abbott Enterprises, Inc.